Timber Lane Community Center

Clark Condon worked with the Timber Lane Utility District to develop a master plan to develop a 20-acre site into a community center. The District was able to use the master plan we created to apply and receive a Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant.

Following the master plan, we brought on Shepley Bulfinch for architectural design. Our team worked closely with the District’s board members to identify their vision for the space, as well as their wants, desires, and needs for the future. The main goal was to design and construct a public gathering space for workshops and community events. Additionally, they needed space to house their maintenance crew, equipment, and provide a small office for local constables.

The building was sited for optimal views to the natural surroundings, such as the existing bird-filled pond nearby. The interior lobby is aligned with a pedestrian bridge across the parking lot to encourage neighborhood interaction. The landscape is low maintenance to complement the surrounding natural forest. Pines and evergreen shrubs surround the building and provide small pops of seasonal color. Reforestation planting and evergreen vines were used for screening areas such as the maintenance yard.
Veterans Memorial Plaza was added as a part of this project, which was finished in 2021.

CLIENT: Timber Lane Utility District (Municipal Special District)
SIZE: Building Size: 7500 square ft. Project Site Size: 4 Acres.
SERVICES: Master planning, project management, landscape architecture through CA.
HIGHLIGHTS: Event + gathering space. Natural landscaping.
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