Using Native Plants

Incorporating native plants builds resiliency, practices stewardship, and promotes healthy ecosystems.

Utilizing a specially curated collection of native seeds by Bamert Seed Company, we are promoting the usage
of native plants and grasses, as well as advocating for the necessary education
to use the species appropriately. The seed packet contains the following natives:

30% Lometa Indiangrass
30% Coastal Plains Little Bluestem
20% Guadalupe Germplasm White Tridens
10% Cibolo Germplasm Little Barley
5% Cajun Sunrise Ashy Sunflower
5% Crockett Germplasm Herbaceous Mimosa

This unique seed mixture is provided by Bamert Seed Company with support from the
Regional Access to Native Seed Mix (RANSM) Coalition. You can purchase the same mixture here.
Through a partnership with local seed growers and stakeholders, Houston Wilderness
has launched an initiative to promote the use of this native seed mix and make it accessible to everyone,
including the general public. You can view their native seed mix page for more information.

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